22:42 16 Kasım 2019 - Cumartesi  Altunizade İstanbul   Bahadır Gezer

10:43 PM  16 Nov 2019 - Saturday  Altunizade Istanbul    Bahadir Gezer


İnsanlığın hayatını uzatacak hiyeroglif tablet!!

İnsanlık felsefeye ve coğrafyaya ve geometri veyile musikiye erince bundan yaklaşık 5000 yıl evvel yazılan bir hiyeroglifin şunu anlattığı anlaşıldı:

“Denizcilerimiz ilk defa Bilinmeyen Sular’a (Atlas Okyanusu) çıktılar. Kayboldular -o dönemde komplike bir aygıt olan pusula icad olmamıştır- ve erzakları tükendi… Kaybolduklarının üzerinden uzun bir süre geçtiğinde güverteye yattılar ve sonucu beklemeye koyuldular. Bir gemi dolusu kabullenen adam olarak. Bir anda gökte bir ateş topu belirdi! Ateş topu yaklaştı yaklaştı ve geminin yakını bir mahale heybet ile çarptı!.. Büyük dalgalar ve gaz ve toz bulutu yaptı… Denizciler ölen deniz canlılarını topladılar… Balık olmayan yerlerde çok derinlerin canlılarının bu yaklaşık 3 insan boyundaki taş battıkça ölerek su yüzüne çıktığını gördüler… Beslendiler… Hayatta kaldılar… Ve bir şekilde Bilinmeyen Su Kapısı’na (Cebelitarık Boğazı) geldiler… Ve sonra eve tabii ki…

Bu denizciler 1200 yıl yaşadılar. O taşın oluşturduğu gaz ve tozu soluduklarında ne olduysa oldu…

Taş battı. Yer Bilinmeyen Sular.”

Yani Atlas Okyanusu’nun dibinde bir yerlerde ve dibinde altında bir yerlerde 5m²lik bir meteor var. Ve bu meteorun elementi ne ise belki de Asprin ya da Sandoz gibi suya atıp eritip içme yöntemi ile Hz Nuh Peygamber’in zamanındaki ortalama yaş seviyesine ulaşabilme şansımız mevcut!

Nil Havzası’da yaşayanlar düşünmüşler: “Yahu… Milyonlarca yılı etkileyebilecek şeyler yapıyoruz. Mor kelimesi iki gün önce kazanıldı insan edebiyatınca… İnsanlık var oldukça morda olacaktır. Gel gör ki en fazla 100 sene yaşayabiliyoruz. 100 sene yaşam, milyonlarca yıl etki… Bu ne ya?”



Hieroglyphics that will prolong the life of mankind !!

When humanity reached philosophy, geography, and geometry, or music, it became clear that a hieroglyph, written about 5000 years ago, said:

Our sailors went to the Unknown Waters for the first time. They disappeared-the compass, a complicated device that was not invented at that time, did not exist- After a long time passed, they lay on the deck and waited for the result. As a ship full of men. Suddenly a fireball appeared in the sky! Fireball approached and approached the ship hit with a majesty! They survived… And somehow they came to the Unknown Water Gate (Strait of Gibraltar)… And then of course to home...

These sailors lived 1200 years. What happened when they inhaled the gas and dust it created by that stone.

The stone sank. Location Unknown Waters. ”

In other words, there is a 5m² meteor at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean and at the bottom of it. And what is the element of this meteor, perhaps like Asprin or Sandoz, such as by throwing into the water and drinking with the method of Prophet Noah's time to reach the average age level is available!
The inhabitants of the Nile have thought: “Yahu We are doing things that can affect millions of years. The word purple was won two days ago by human literature. Come on, we can only live 100 years. 100 years of life, millions of years of influence... What is that? 

Translated by Google from Türkçe to English.

Proper Translation

Türkçe’den to English;

Hieroglyphics that will prolong the lives of mankind !!

When humanity reached philosophy, geography, and geometry, or music, it became clear that a hieroglyph, written about 5000 years ago, said:

"Our sailors went to the Unknown Waters for the first time. They didn’t have compass -which is an uninvented very technical Universe Geometric device- . They got lost naturally. Whatever they did, they couldn't make it to anywhere. After a long time passed, they ran out of supplies and they lay on the deck and waited for the result. They, as a body of men of one ship, all accepted the fact. Suddenly a fireball appeared in the sky! This on fire stoneball approached and to the near of the ship and it fell and hit the water with a majesty! The sailors were ok. They couldn't see for a while because of the gas in the air. Later, they survived. They grabbed the dead meat which hit the surface after the blast… They collected a lot… Food gave time… Very clear… And they managed to get back to the Gate of Unknown Water (Gibraltar Strait). And they came home.

They lived 12 hundred years after that. What ever kind of air they inhaled during the hit of that stone, which caused a lot of dust and fog at the time of the incident, abled them to this.

They also fed themselves with creatures that died from the effect of the stone… Very clear… That stone gave them very long lives. We even draw them in a different way.

So, the treasury is under the waters of the Unknown Water and even underneath the base of that Water.”

In other words, there is a 5m² meteor at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean and at under the bottom of her. And this stone’s element is like an element we are not aware of, and can be used even like Asprin or Sandoz drugs which we consume by throwing them into water first and drinking it. Prophet Noah's time of aging rage average of age level is now available!
The inhabitants of the Nile have thought: “Yahu we are doing things that can affect millions of years. The word purple was obtained two days ago by human literature. Purple will live as long as humanity does. Come on, we can only live 100 years. 100 years of life, millions of years of influence, What is that? C'moon!

Translated by partly by Google Translator and by Bahadır Gezer

23:30                 16.11.2019                  Altunizade                          İstanbul         Bahadır Gezer

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